Nomination List | Game Designs
2012 Nomination List (Game Designs)
Game Design Category Nominee (1)
System design and operation to serve the large percentage of users who are women "Ameba Pigg" Development ・Operation Team (CyberAgent, Inc.)
The system design caters to women and is harmonious with blogs to address the high percentage of females who use the service as a real-time avatar communication tool in Japan. Also noteworthy is the quality of operations as evident in the addition of contents matching user needs and meticulous promotions that create movement.
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Game Design Category Nominee (2)
Taking it to a higher level by integrating monetization with multiple game systems"Puzzle & Dragons"Development Team (Supermassive Games)
The team has integrated a happy mix of game systems well recognized by users and has added level designs and procedures that progress with player skill to motivate them to continue. Also deserving praise is the completeness of the system by linking the anticipation of game advancement with monetization.
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Game Design Category Nominee (3)
Allows various users to experience the joy of swipe control"Touch Detective Mushroom Garden Mushroom"Development Team (Beeworks Co., Ltd)
The team uses a unique sound to add an aural sensation to the act of picking mushrooms by hand. The touching and swiping of two-dimensional mushrooms are transformed into realistic sensations. Rules and difficulty corresponding to the character properties turn light users into devoted fans.
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Game Design Category Nominee (4)
New control that makes movement the key of the game "GRAVITY DAZE" Design Team (Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.)
Movement, which is one of the oldest aspects of a game system, serves as the key in making this unique game with an innovative user interface and expression in 3D space. The theme of controlling gravity is also a trade-off with the fear of falling, and creates a new sensation in control.
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Game Design Category Nominee (5)
Energy conservation, a necessity after the earthquake, has been elevated into a game Akito Inoue"(Developer of "#denkimeter") (Center for Global Communications, International University of japan)
The team used ARG and smartphone apps to show just how games can contribute to society after the unprecedented devastation caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake. In addition, the team has succeeded in conveying the new concept of gamification to the masses.
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