The Grey Arts - Business Development Basics for Indies/グレーアート - インディーズのための事業開発の基礎

Project Management, Project Budgeting, Business Development
Basic understanding of funding options for games; ideas on how to pitch titles; awareness of common contract terms
It's not enough to have a good idea, technical chops, and a fantastic art style. The truth of game development is that without funding it's monumentally harder to make progress or see success. Even in the best of times, practical knowledge such as how to approach partners, what to pitch, and what to ask for is not widely distributed; in light of the pandemic, opportunities to learn these grey arts are even slimmer. Matt uses his experience as an independent developer to distill down common-sense approaches for funding, and explains the broad categories of funding options along with their characteristics. He goes over tips for communicating your game's unique appeal, and discusses common contract scenarios that independent developers can expect to see. Matt also discusses his history in bouncing between large corporate environments and independent development, and how these varied environments inform his perspective, as well as how business development techniques useful in an indie context are also applicable even in a large corporate environment.