TOPExhibitions / PR Seminars
6waves is one of the world's largest social gaming publishers with over 20 million active users across platforms such as Facebook and iOS/Android. Our Japan office localizes and publishes globally popular social and mobile games for the Japan market, and also localizes and publishes Japanese social and mobile games for overseas markets. Please talk to us if you are interested in monetizing globally with social and mobile games (i.e. distribution partnership, license partnership, co-development).
ARM is the world's leading semiconductor intellectual property (IP) supplier and as such is at the heart of the development of digital electronic products.
Mali GPUs bring high intensity, seamless user-experiences to the full spectrum of devices including smartphones, tablets, set-top boxes, DTVs and automotive. We will be showcasing Mali GPU's in action with an amazing array of gaming demos, showing you how to create your own winning game titles to run optimally on ARM technology. -
Audiokinetic sets new standards in audio production for interactive media and video games. Our products, including the award-winning Wwise® and SoundSeed®, give sound designers and audio programmers a complete audio engine for creating truly sophisticated audio. Working with Wwise can increase productivity and creativity while saving game developers time and money across the audio production of any game title.
CRI Middleware Co., Ltd.
Middleware for smartphones is coming from CRI. ("CRIWARE")
We introduce a product lineup strongly supporting game development for smartphones.
Incorporating movies and sounds into your game freely by CRIWARE, the game contents will easily be enriched.
CRIWARE also supports file compression and file downloading from a server for adding and updating game contents, helps file size reduction, and provides features of background downloading and streaming playback.
Unity is also supported by CRIWARE.
On our booth, we demonstrate all the features and use-cases for smartphones on the target devices. -
Cybernoids Co., Ltd.
Live2D is a video technology that allows the realtime creation of three dimensional images that faithfully reproduce characters from comics, animation, etc. In Live2D's booth there will be an introduction video, the smartphone app that has been widely adopted by many companies, samples of games, and the opportunity to directly handle the images created by Live2D.
We will exhibit three new monitors for those who create content for entertainment such as game producers and CG creators, The ColorEdge CG246 and ColorEdge CX240 are color management LCD monitors that can be calibrated to the ideal settings for creative work environments. Both models come with built-in sensors that automatically adjust the monitors for correct image display. We will demonstrate the built-in sensors and how the CG246 can emulate the iPad and other tablet devices. We will also exhibit the FORIS FS2333 home entertainment monitor which we recommend for debugging creative content.
gloops, Inc.
gloops uses Windows Technology although social application industry usually accepts LAMP environment. Generally, it is said that Windows is "slow, instability, high expense, and lack of scalability", however, gloops has achieved to manage over 1,000 servers and to provide stable services in high traffic environment of over 15 billion PV. Currently, total number of users in gloops'contents is over 18 million. We gain the support of many users, thus we could receive "Partner of the Year 2011" in Mobage Award 2011. In our booth of CEDEC2012, we prepare our popular social games to provide experiences for participants. We hope many participants enjoy our techniques and services.
Hansoft is a production management tool used for agile and lean development, collaborative scheduling, real-time reporting, bug tracking/QA, workload coordination, portfolio and document management by leading game developers around the world. The tool is fast and easy to use and builds on principles of team empowerment, increased communication, transparency, and collaboration. Read more at:
Havok will present the Havok Vision Engine. Havok Vision Engine is a comprehensive 3D game engine integrated with Havok Physics, Havok AI, Havok Behavior, Havok Cloth, and Havok Destruction out-of-the-box. A long-time developer of the Vision Engine and senior Havok engineer will come from Havok headquarters to answer any questions, ranging from general overview to specific queries about implementations and features of interest. Engineers and translation staff from Havok's Japan office will also be present to provide services in Japanese. Havok's software tools will also be available for visitors to try out.
Matchlock Corporation
We are exhibiting the latest ""BISHAMON Personal"".
The original BISHAMON is the 3D particle effect (VFX) tool for games which has variety supported platforms, and many game development companies uses.
""BISHAMON Personal"" is especially for individuals and small business. The latest ""BISHAMON Personal"" includes new and advanced useful functions for effect designers.
You can touch and experience this valuable and useful 3D particle effect (VFX) tool ""BISHAMON Personal""at our booth.
OGIS-RI Co.,Ltd.
Palamida software will analyze an entire code base, including source, text and binary files, identifying every piece of material from an Open Source project down to a few lines of code in a source file.All evidence of open source usage is highlighted so it can be documented and tracked for secure usage of the individual components in your application. We exhibit the ""Palamida"". Please visit our booth ! *Palamida is software that PALAMIDA, Inc. developed.
RAD Game Tools, Inc.
RAD Game Tools will be exhibiting our latest products including: Bink, our ubiquitous video codec with the sneak preview of next generation Bink-2; Miles 9, having the all new Miles Sound Studio high-level sound authoring system; Iggy, our Flash UI tool; Telemetry, the powerful new performance visualization tool; Granny 3D, the animation toolkit with the artist-friendly Granny Animation Studio; and Oodle, our brand new file compression and I/O tool. RAD products are available on all platforms, including those newly-released! Please come by.
Silicon Studio Corporation
Silicon Studio provide high-quality visual contents and leading-edge technology.
At the CEDEC, Silicon Studio will be showing their feature game engine ""OROCHI 3"" and post effect middleware ""YEBIS 2"", aligned with the artistic technical demonstration of SquareEnix titling -Adni's Philosophy-.
You will experience the one-step ahead of entertainment graphics on mobile game to high-end console game.
We are happy to meet you and answer any technical questions at the booth. -
Tobii Technology Japan Ltd.
The Tobii X1 Light Eye tracking is the smallest of all our eye tracking. Mount is a laptop or PCmonitor for a compact,highly portable eye tracking solution. The full-feature system bulids on thesame advanced technology as our other eye trackers with no compromise in quality. Maximumportability and a lower price make it possible to integrate eye tracking into every interface designor communication project.
Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc.
We will present our HTML5 and JavaScript-based game development engine "enchant.js." enchant.js allows everyone from beginners to pros to make their very own HTML5-based game.
Development is easy, and finished games can be played on iPhone, iPad, and Android, as well as browsers on both PC and Mac. In addition to showing off enchant.js' unique features, demonstrations of games created with enchant.js, and projects by companies using enchant.js, we will also show off high-speed live coding of game prototypes. Please come check us out! -
Web Technology Com Corp.
● OPTPiX imesta 7 for Mobile & Social
In addition to the praise-worthy high quality of the ""Alpha Channel Supported Color Reduction,"" a feature to reduce size even more than PNG or JPG has been added that narrows the target to standard image formats for mobile social content.
In addition, contemporary game creation and application development is supported with by reinforcing conversion functionality for images compatible with the Unity game engine.
● SpriteStudio 4 Professional + SpriteStudioPlayer for Unity
Keeping the idea of ""multipurpose"" intact, mobile functionality was added to the Unity game engine. Creation of consumer titles and multiplatform systems for the smart phone followed.
○ Next Release SpriteStudio
SpriteStudio is moving on to the next generation in line with changes to game development environments and platforms. The next version will support both Macintosh and Windows! While game developers for the ""iOS"" game platform are increasing, the game industry has focused on the MacBookAir. So, we have made our domestic 2D animation/GUI creation tool compatible with ""Mac."" -
XLsoft K.K.
Intel Software Development Products support performance improvements of gaming and multimedia applications. XLsoft will introduce compiler products, with demonstrations, which improve performance of applications by optimization and auto-parallelization using Intel's technology. Also, XLsoft will introduce other software development products, which are a necessity for game software development.
- """"Intel IPP library"""": Provides a variety of highly optimized software functions for multimedia, such as image processing, video coding, and data processing.
- """"Intel VTune Amplifier XE"""": A parallel programming performance profiler which quickly specifies the performance bottlenecks of an application with just a few clicks.
More products will be introduced at the booth." -
Xoreax Japan Inc./Marubeni Information Systems Co.,Ltd
Xoreax IncrediBuild's products are used more than 100,000 license in worldwide and 5,000 licenses in Japan.
Based on XGE technology, IncrediBuild accelerates code and data builds in MS Visual Studio and other make and build environments. Using IncrediBuild, builds can run up to 30x times faster without requiring any changes in code or configuration files.
Klocwork helps developers create more secure and reliable software. Klocwork Insight analyze source code on-the-fly, simplify peer code reviews, and extend the life of complex software. Over 1,000 customers have made Klocwork part of their software development process.
This time, Klocwork Insight can now automatically work under the infrastructure of a build from Xoreax IncrediBuild. This allows you to leverage the capabilities of IncrediBuild with Klocwork Insight to perform a build.