Nomination List | Game Designs
2011 Nomination List (Game Designs)
Game Design Category Nominee (1)
Scenario Design Like an Authentic Mystery Novel, Giving Hints for Solving the Mystery to the Players TRICK x LOGIC Development Team (CHUNSOFT Co., Ltd.)
The player can select keywords, extract suspicious events, and put together words that seem to be associated, to build up their own theory. If the verification of the theory proves that it is right, the truth is revealed to the player. The game scenario design that specializes in the user experience, as if they were reading a mystery novel, earned the nomination.
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Game Design Category Nominee (2)
Intuitive Expression of the Depth Coordinate Recognition That Enabled Outstanding User ExperienceTsumiki BLOQ Development Team (Supermassive Games)
The theme is simple and easy to understand: Build up blocks in a 3D space. But the team used a motion controller that has tri-axial coordinate recognition capability and devised many methods to clear the various hurdles by precision-control of the movements. The outstanding user experience to really feel the depth of the space through their own motions earned the nomination.
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Game Design Category Nominee (3)
ARG Unique to Japan – True Reality Feel Brought to Mobile PhonesTokyo Labyrinth Puzzle Development Team (SCRAP)
The game uses the mobile phone, a device that all of us are now very familiar with, and bridges the world of the game and the real world seamlessly, to bring the true reality feel better than any conventional ARG. The team succeeded in creating an ARG truly unique to Japan through the method of storytelling that uses a range of media including postcard, the Internet, and geodetic data from GPS.
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Tokyo Labyrinth Puzzle
Real Escape Game -
Game Design Category Nominee (4)
Fusion of RPG Elements and Three Match Puzzle by the Swiping Motion Alex Kuptsov (Fireflame Games)
The game added a new parameter of the number of simultaneously deleted objects to the Tetris-type three-match puzzle, using the touch-panel swiping motion popularized by the diffusion of the smartphone. Using the swiping motion, the team created a game design that fuses RPGs and Tetris-type games, two classes of games that were originally wide apart.
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Game Design Category Nominee (5)
Concept to Use Mixed Media in a Mutually Complementary Way Akihiro Hino (LEVEL-5 Inc.)
"INAZUMA ELEVEN" and "The Little Battlers eXperience" are the examples of a game and a TV animation series rolled out in parallel. The nominee also created "Ni no Kuni: Shikkoku no Madōshi" (literally "Second Country: The Jet-Black Mage") in which the player has to use books as a part of the game. The concept to use a mixture of media, optimally leveraging on the media characteristics to suit the game, earned the nomination.
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