Efficient creation of player bots using Deep Reinforcement Learning/深層強化学習を用いたプレイヤーボットの効率的な作成

Previous machine learning / reinforcement learning knowledge is a plus, but not required.
They will leave with an understanding of some of the main difficulties with creating realistic player bots using Deep RL in different situations like combat and navigation. Most importantly, the main takeaway is that training Deep RL algorithms to accomplish complex tasks in AAA video games is not only achievable – but can be done efficiently. They will also leave with a basic understanding of RL, constrained RL, and competitive self-play.
In this presentation, we will explore applications of Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep RL) to create player bots capable of enhancing the gaming experience. Notably, Deep RL bots can do things that would be difficult (or even impossible) to script. Most importantly, these bots are trained under “reasonable” time and budget constraints – making them feasible for video game productions. We will take a deep dive into three recent research papers that we have published that tackle the following problems: realistic player-like navigation, behaviour specification, and complex combat. Our methods have been used in Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, R6, and For Honor, for testing and player facing purposes. We will be showing several videos highlighting these results in-game.
この講演では、ゲーム体験を向上させるプレイヤーボットを作成するための深層強化学習(Deep RL)のアプリケーションを探ります。注目すべきは、深層強化学習のボットは、スクリプトでは難しい(あるいは不可能な)ことができることです。また、最も重要なことは、これらのボットは「合理的な」時間と予算の制約のもとで訓練できるため、ビデオゲーム制作の実現可能性を高めていることです。リアルなプレイヤー体験が得られるナビゲーション、行動指定、複雑な戦闘といった課題への取り組みについて、最近発表した3つの研究論文を基に掘り下げていきます。私たちの手法は『アサシン・クリード』『ファークライ』『R7』『フォーオナー』において、テストやゲームのプレイにおいて使用されています。これらの成果をゲーム内で活用した事例を動画でいくつかご紹介します。