Cloud Development for the Cloud Era/クラウド時代のためのクラウド開発
対象プラットフォーム:コンシューマ, PC
Experience working with cloud systems and networking will assist attendees with understanding this material but is not required.
Attendees will learn best practices to establish a cloud-based environment for game development and learn details on how to organize and secure their cloud resources to empower both on-premises and
remote team members to fully contribute to highly complex projects.
In a world where game development teams face increasing pressure for hardware resources and build automation, the idea of lifting game development hardware onto the cloud is gathering momentum at Xbox Game Studios. In this
talk, speaking from our experience at XGS Japan, we’ll cover the concepts teams will need to understand to establish an effective cloud-based development strategy including on-premises and cloud networking via VPN and
ExpressRoute that incorporates development hardware, leveraging virtual resources to reduce developer PC load, build pipeline automation, and package delivery, for both debug and review scenarios.
ゲーム開発チームがハードウェアリソースやビルドの自動化に対するプレッシャーの高まりに直面する中、Xbox Game Studiosでは、ゲーム開発用ハードウェアをクラウドに移行するというアイデアが注目を集めています。本講演では、XGS
講演者詳細を開く >
Jennifer Yoshino is a Senior Technical Producer at Xbox Game Studios Japan, where she works with amazing partners to make incredible games with envelope-pushing technology. Originally from Toronto, Canada,
she completed an undergraduate degree in Computer Science at the University of Toronto in 2010 and moved to Tokyo in 2014 to chase a dream of working in the game industry. She joined Amazon Japan in 2014
and followed up with a role at Bandai Namco Studios in 2021 before transitioning to her current role at Xbox in Microsoft Japan in 2022. She has worked in all levels of software development, including
engineering, program development, and product management, with teams distributed all over the world.
吉野ジェニファーはXbox Game Studios
Teams require high performance, secure networks that support enormous data transfer speeds to develop the groundbreaking gameplay experiences being made in the cloud-focused, remote world we find ourselves
in today. This talk will go over our latest strategies for enabling and accelerating large-scale game development that occurs in distributed environments. We are really looking forward to sharing our
experiences with the community in Japan!