Video Game Technology in the West: The Panel/欧米のゲームテクノロジー:パネルディスカッション
対象プラットフォーム:コンシューマ, アーケード, PC, モバイル
This panel is designed for all technical people (especially Programmers, Lead Programmers, Technology Directors and Technical Artists) interested to learn more about how things are done in the West. A
wide variety of themes will be discussed, and to grasp all the subtleties of the panelists’ wisdom, it is required for the audience to have a certain level of experience in our industry.
The goal of this Panel it to make you think out of the box, think differently about how things could be done in terms of technology, get you to understand and consider seriously how the most successful
western programmers are doing things
What would you think if CEDEC was going to put on stage the World's best Tech developers from various horizons, and leading analysts? What if these Studios were the likes of Ubisoft Montreal and Microsoft? What if Q-Games
joined the Panel to bring their knowledge about both Japan and the West? This is what we propose (see Sessions details)
Jiten, Sangbae and Dylan will be yours for an hour. The moderator will start the panel by introducing our panelists, and then steer the discussions toward various important technical aspects that the Japanese Game Development
Community could benefit from; that said, all along the panel, the moderator will be giving priority to the questions from the audience.
講演者詳細を開く >
Julien started as a programmer on the Atari Jaguar in the early 90s at Shen Technologies in Paris. He then joined Ubisoft Entertainment to work in game and engine teams before becoming the worldwide
technical director of Ubisoft Entertainment in 1999. In this role, he played a major part in the studio's creation, organization, technology, production pipeline design, and multi-platform strategy, as well
as in AAA features integration, on brands such as 'Rayman', 'Far Cry', 'Splinter Cell', 'Prince of Persia', and 'Assassin's Creed'. He also took responsibility for middleware and development strategy,
communication and cooperation strategy, and hardware manufacturers and middleware relations. At the end of 2005, after having worked extensively on PS3 / XBox360, Julien pursued his career at Eidos, where
he served as the worldwide CTO working on the technology strategy, before getting involved in initiating Eidos Montreal and Eidos Shanghai Studios. Julien became the worldwide technology director for Square
Enix Group, working on a wide variety of engines and franchises including 'Tomb Raider', 'Final Fantasy', 'Hitman', 'Deus Ex' and 'Kingdom Hearts'. In 2013, he joined Konami as the worldwide technology
director to oversee Fox Engine, work directly on the acclaimed 'Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain', and help advance many games in the group including 'Pro Evolution Soccer' 2015 and 2016. Julien joined
Bandai Namco Studios early 2016, where he now serves as their
ジュリアンは20年以上の経験をもつエンジン・テクノロジーの専門家です。UbisoftでRaymanやFar Cryなどのタイトルにかかわり、またミドルウエアの開発や戦略なども担当しました。2005年にWorldwide
CTOとしてEidosに入社。その後、スクエアエニックスのWorldwide Technology Directorとしてエンジン開発やTomb Raider, Final Fantasy, Hitman, Deus EXなどのタイトルにかかわりました。2013年にKonamiに移籍してFox
Engineの開発、Metal Gear Solid V、Pro Evolution Soccer等にかかわり、2016年からBandai Namco StudioのCTOとして活躍しています。
講演者詳細を開く >
Joshua Romoff is an R&D Scientist at Ubisoft La Forge, where he works on pushing the state of the art of Deep Reinforcement Learning for video game development. He completed his PhD at McGill university
where he focused on methods for decomposing the Reinforcement Learning problem into simple components.
ジョシュア・ロモフはUbisoft La
講演者詳細を開く >
Jennifer Yoshino is a Senior Technical Producer at Xbox Game Studios Japan, where she works with amazing partners to make incredible games with envelope-pushing technology. Originally from Toronto, Canada,
she completed an undergraduate degree in Computer Science at the University of Toronto in 2010 and moved to Tokyo in 2014 to chase a dream of working in the game industry. She joined Amazon Japan in 2014
and followed up with a role at Bandai Namco Studios in 2021 before transitioning to her current role at Xbox in Microsoft Japan in 2022. She has worked in all levels of software development, including
engineering, program development, and product management, with teams distributed all over the world.
吉野ジェニファーはXbox Game Studios
Teams require high performance, secure networks that support enormous data transfer speeds to develop the groundbreaking gameplay experiences being made in the cloud-focused, remote world we find ourselves
in today. This talk will go over our latest strategies for enabling and accelerating large-scale game development that occurs in distributed environments. We are really looking forward to sharing our
experiences with the community in Japan!
講演者詳細を開く >
Jiten Dajee is an early stage investor and M&A advisor specializing in 3D industries. He has deep technical and commercial experience from serving as a trusted advisor for product & go to market strategy to
key leaders in the games industry such as Epic Games, Adobe, Unity, and NVIDIA.
In this session, Rendered VC will present a 2023 study conducted across 500 studios on the ‘state of technology’ used in game development. We will share deep insights on where game developers are struggling
with their technology and how these create business problems for studios. It is important to also compare the difference in key issues for indie studios vs AAAs, mobile vs console, and even comparing
Japanese to western studios.
Finally, Rendered VC will explain what the path forward looks like for the future state of technology in the games industry.
最後に、Rendered VCがゲーム業界における今後のテクノロジーのあり方について、どのような道筋を描いているのかを説明します。
講演者詳細を開く >
I have developed a lot of popular video games like ACE COMBAT series and Super Smash Bros. series. And then I also worked on an in-house game engine. Currently I lead the software engineering team of Games
Studio in Japan at Unity Technologies.
過去に「エースコンバット」シリーズや「大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ」シリーズなど、多くの人気ゲームの開発を手がけてきました。その後、内製のゲームエンジンの開発にも取り組み、現在はUnity Technologies の Games
Studio で日本のエンジニアリングチームを率いています。
The trend is towards open world or 'Big World' games as a matter of course. Furthermore, such ‘worlds’ require a convincing representation. The same is required not only for high-end consoles but also for
mobile devices, and how to achieve this with lightweight methods is becoming increasingly important. In this session we will present our own answers.
講演者詳細を開く >
の開発に携わる。その後、SCEAを経てSCEJに入社、PlayStation2の技術デモである 『お風呂に浮くアヒルちゃん』を制作。
そして、2001年9月有限会社キュー・ゲームスを立ち上げる。これまでに、 任天堂発売の『bit Generationsシリーズ:
デジドライブ(GBA)』『スターフォックスコマンド(DS) 』、『X-RETURNS(DSiウェア)』、『スターフォックス64