
ダイアログ プロダクション ワークフロー Dialogue Production Workflow for Games

This talk assumes a basic knowledge of games and game development.
Gamers should feel like someone cared about every word spoken by a character in a game, even when there are tens of thousands of lines.
This session will look at the creative, technical and logistical challenges brought by the large amount of high-quality voice performance required by modern video games. We’ll go through the whole production pipeline, looking at scripts and script databases, casting, recording techniques, running recording sessions, performance capture, and more. Throughout, we will look at how to reconcile large-scale, well-organized production techniques with the need to make players feel like every line in the game is there for a good artistic reason.
Tom Hays

トム・ヘイズはゲームに特化した音声やローカライズサービスを提供する Rocket Sound LLC の創始者。
彼が携わったタイトルには「Gears of War」、「 Halo」、「 Uncharted」、「 Guitar Hero」、「 Final Fantasyシリーズ」、「 Ratchet & Clank」、「 Mass Effect」「 Spider-Man」、「 Call of Duty」、「 Delta Force」、「 Myst」などその他多数に及ぶ。
Rocket Sound を立ち上げる前は、テクニカラーにて主要メンバーとゲームサウンドサービス部門を8年にわたり運営。2007年と2010年のMPSE Golden Reelsを受賞を初め数々の賞を受賞。
それ以前はTreyarch、 NovaLogic やRocket Science Gamesでオーディオディレクターを務め、サウンドエフェクトやミキシングに特化した最初のスタジオ、Big Soundを設立した経歴を持つ。
University of California at Berkeleyを卒業。また Hampshire College や the Institute of Audio Research にて学ぶ。
Tom Hays heads up Rocket Sound LLC, a company providing sound and localization for games. During his 25 years in interactive media, Tom has worked on franchises including Gears of War, Halo, Uncharted, Guitar Hero, Final Fantasy, Ratchet & Clank, Mass Effect, Spider-Man, Call of Duty, Delta Force, Myst, and numerous others.
Prior to forming Rocket Sound, Tom and his core team ran Technicolor’s Game Sound Services team for eight years, winning numerous awards including MPSE Golden Reels in 2007 and 2010. Before coming to Technicolor, Tom was Audio Director for developers Treyarch, NovaLogic, and Rocket Science Games, and also founded Big Sound, one of the first businesses focused on sound effects and mixing for the interactive market.
A graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, Tom also studied at Hampshire College and the Institute of Audio Research.

元Technicolor Interactive Services のゲームオーディオ部門に所属。その後、元Technicolor の主要メンバーと共にゲームに特化したLAでは唯一日本語で対応可能なボイス収録スタジオ、 Rocket Sound, LLC をスタートする。現在、ローカライズのマネージメントとビジネスディベロップメントを同時展開中。