オープンプラットフォームにおけるアンチチート:ゲームの実行を防ぎ、信頼できないデバイスのリスクを緩和するには Anti-Cheat On Open Platforms: How to protect game execution and mitigate risk on untrusted devices

Attendees with intermediate security and game engine experience.
How to secure game executables on open platforms. How to design cheat-resistant game logic, detect and mitigate cheating attempts.
With ever-increasing popularity of multiplayer and e-sports games, cheating attempts in these games have increased dramatically as well. Cheaters on open platforms modify game logic and use subtitle cheating methods to gain an advantage. To preserve game integrity and player trust it is essential to build a strong defense against cheating and mitigate cheat attempts. This talk will present multiple methods to increase the protection of game binaries and game logic on open platforms. The audience will walk through local and service-based binary protection, cheat-resistant game logic design, and learn how to detect and mitigate other cheating attempts.
Ferdinand Schober

Ferdinand Schober is a senior software development engineer in Microsoft's Xbox Advanced Technology Group. He has been in the game industry for over 9 years, working on security, services and networking across different platforms. Ferdinand worked on a breath of projects ranging from Xbox One console launch, the Windows 7 multiplayer platform to security on the Gears of War and Halo franchises. He also spent time on academic research in cloud-based cellular malware detection and research in entertainment security analysis. Currently Ferdinand is focusing on cross-device services, multiplayer, networking and security.