ゲーミングとVRにおけるマシーン・ラーニングの未来 The Future of Machine Learning in Gaming and VR

Intermediate. Game developers / Technical managers in gaming and VR industry / Computer Scientists.
A view at the revolution of deep learning networks and its impact on AI and industry;
A few concrete ideas for transferring this technology to the world of game and VR development.
Deep neural networks learn multi-layer representations of a problem domain with a depth and complexity never reached before. As a consequence, they are bringing Artificial Intelligence to a new level, and (re-)opening the road towards super-human AI. First limited to the traditional tasks of data mining and robotic perception, this revolution is now reaching other domains of AI such as game theory, decision making, automated planning, and control. Indeed, applications of Deep Learning networks are currently appearing in many domain of industry, such as robotics, automotive, finance, even in art. This talk will examine the possible impact of this evolution on the world of gaming and VR. We will give a high-level technical survey of deep neural networks, and their impact on other domains of industry. Then we will examine their possible use in gaming and VR. We will insist particularly on two potential use of this technology: for problem solving and content generation.
We will re-examine the position of problem solving in gaming and argue that, although traditional arguments against the heavy use of AI techniques in video games make sense for some types of game, problem solving is still an important open issue for this industry. We will review recent works on solving iconic Atari games using deep neural networks. This technology imposes new constraint, such as very long learning protocol. Therefore, transferring them to our industry requires new protocols and busyness-models for game development.
Next, we will look at the topic from the point of view of game developers, and particularly for the generation of expansive content such as animations. One of the most fascinating properties of deep networks is their ability to generate content reproducing the artistic style of the data they have learned. In short, a network trained on Van Gogh paintings can generate images with Van Gogh’s artistic style. This represents a tremendous opportunity for automatically generating rich and meaningful game content. The end of the talk will outline several concrete research projects aiming in this direction.
Nicolas Meuleau

R&D in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. Expertise in autonomous decision making, automated planning and machine learning.
Developed real-world applications and prototypes in different domains such as space, aeronautics, electronic trading and automotive, among others. Worked in cutting-edge research institutions such as the MIT and NASA Ames Research Center. Received several awards. Authored more than 30 major publications. Has been a member of the reviewing committees of the most prestigious AI journals and conferences.