モーションマッチング - 次世代アニメーションへの道 Motion Matching - Road to Next-Gen Animation

The intended target audience of this lecture are Programmers and Animators. Content creators will benefit from the idea that there is an alternative to traditional animation systems and Programmers will gain the necessary details to integrate this method into their animation systems.
The takeaway for attendees is to provide an alternative to traditional animation systems and show that it is possible to greatly speed up the time it takes to create high quality movements whilst not compromising on responsiveness.
In order to create a high-quality character animation conventional animation systems require a large amount of individual animation clips to get organized into hand-crafted blend-trees and state-machines. Technical Animators need to work together with Programmers to carefully design a blend-structure for certain types of movement and Animators need to follow precise rules when they create the assets. It usually takes a large amount of time to produce the assets and the blend-structure to achieve high-quality results. Once such a structure is created it is rather difficult to organize it differently due to the dependency on the assets.
This presentation will introduce a novel approach for creating character animation that does not rely on any superimposed structure but uses raw motion capture data instead. It does not require any pre-processing steps and produces a level of visual fidelity that equals the quality of the provided input animations. It is just a matter of creating the required animation to produce movements that would be either extremely difficult or impossible to produce with traditional animation systems.
Our system can consume new animation data on-the-fly. A motion capture actor could feed the system in real time until the simulated character achieves the desired level of responsiveness and quality. Animators are free to focus on movements and style instead of being forced to produce cycles and transitions.
At every step of the simulation, our method uses the current pose of the character and a number of desired goals to find the best pose to transition into. For example, goals can be desired direction and velocity based on stick input for player-controller characters or desired position and facing for AI-controlled characters. Goals are transformed into a prediction model that is matched against available animation poses in the motion library. We use a novel rating scheme to balance quality against responsiveness of the system.
Michael Buttner

Michael has been programming games for nearly 30 years, including lead and senior roles at Ocean Software, Infogrames Entertainment, IO Interactive as well as Square Enix Montreal.
Michael joined the Ubisoft Toronto studio in 2013 as the Animation Programmer for an as yet unannounced title. He brought with him his passion for animation programming, an innovative approach to character creation and extensive experience working with animators.
He is interested in responsive character control and realistic animation synthesis. He spends most of his time trying to come up with new ways to animate a character so that it moves realistically and fluidly and is fun and easy to control with buttons and thumbsticks.