
招待セッション AB


8月20日(月) 16:30~17:30

This session is mainly for executives and studios managers who need a better understanding of global funding and investment trends, and who are planning to seek funding. This is also relevant for indie developers and startups looking for funding opportunities.



Attendees of this session will gain an overview of global funding and investment trends in the game industry, along with advice and tips on how to seek funding for your studio. Insights will also be gained on the impact that access to funding has on regional industry ecosystems.


  • Jason Della Rocca

    Jason Della Rocca

    Perimeter Partners

    JasonはPerimeter Partnersの創設者です。同社は、ゲーム業界と何らかの接点がある企業や組織に戦略的なガイダンスや専門知識を提供しているコンサルタント会社です。9年近くの間、Jasonはゲーム業界の振興と開発者のキャリアアップを目的とする専門家組織、International Game Developers Association(IGDA:国際ゲーム開発者協会)のエグゼクティブ・ディレクターを務めました。Jasonは、業界確立の取り組みの功績が認められ、第8回Game Developers Choice Awardsにおいて、新たに創設されたAmbassador Awardを授与されました。ゲームの優れた表現能力と、それが世界を変えるだけの力があると提唱し続けています。ゲーム業界の専門家として人気の高いJasonは、世界中の会議で講演した経験があり(GDC、東京ゲームショウ、Nordic Game、ChinaJoyなど)、名門大学での講義経験も豊富(シンガポール大学、マギル大学、東京大学、ペンシルベニア州立大学など)です。また、多数のニュース・メディア(Wired、Edge、Nightline、LA Times、NPR、Wall Street Journal、The Escapistなど)に執筆記事やインタビューが掲載されています。Jasonは10年以上ゲーム業界に携わっており、IGDA、CMP、Quazal、Matrox Graphics、Silicon Graphics、Price Waterhouseでの勤務経験があります。

    Jason is the founder of Perimeter Partners, a consultancy that provides strategic level guidance and expertise to companies and organizations on the boundary, or perimeter, of the game industry. For nearly nine years, he served as the executive director of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA), a professional society committed to advancing the game industry and the careers of developers. Jason was honored for his industry building efforts with the inaugural Ambassador Award at the 8th annual Game Developers Choice Awards. He continues to be an advocate for the expressive power of games and their capacity to change the world. As a sought after expert on the game industry, Jason has spoken at conferences worldwide (e.g., GDC, Tokyo Game Show, Nordic Game, ChinaJoy, etc), lectured at top universities (e.g., National University of Singapore, McGill, University of Tokyo, Penn State, etc), and has either written for or been interviewed by countless news outlets (e.g., Wired, Edge, Nightline, LA Times, NPR, Wall Street Journal, The Escapist, etc). Jason has been a member of the game industry for more than a decade, and has previously worked at IGDA, CMP, Quazal, Matrox Graphics, Silicon Graphics and Price Waterhouse.
